Screen Printing Laboratory

Screen Printing Laboratory

The screen-printing system has the ability to print on all substrates. It has taken its place among the modern-day printing techniques because of this characteristic. New technological machines are imported with the technological improvement in this industry. This printing system  is not only used in many industrial areas like Textile, Ceramic, Glass, Souvenir,  and label, but also in some artistic fields too. The fact that it is used in many areas of industry has revealed the importance of education of this printing technique. Based on this, Marmara University, Department of Applied Sciences, School of Printing Technologies, Screen-printing has been given training and a laboratory was established to teach this application. Screen printing plate preparation, printing and post-printing stages are shown to students both theoretically and practically in this laboratory.

Manufacturers of our machines are also providing us with the necessary equipment and auxiliary materials to help our students to become comfortable in the techniques through the education in our facility. Screen printing ink supplies and auxiliary materials in the laboratory will be supplied by DYO Printing Ink Inc. Also, ARUS company has donated one semi-automatic 35 × 50 Serigraph printing machines and a vacuum exposure device. Besides this, there are 3 handlooms available to students in a variety of patterns. Many squeegees are available for use as well.

This page updated by Basım Teknolojileri Bölümü on 22.12.2021 21:13:31

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